
Natta Plant Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

Natta Plant Ltd – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

At Natta Plant, our prime importance is the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees, clients and suppliers and never more so than now.

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the steps we’ve taken to ensure we can continue to offer a ‘business as usual’ service to all.

As we continue to monitor the latest updates about the COVID-19 outbreak, we are carefully monitoring the evolving situation, taking daily advice from the National Health Service (NHS), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England (PHE).

We have a plan in place and are being proactive in our approaches to ensure business continuity. We have put in place a series of measures and processes to protect everyone who works for us and everyone we work with.

Natta Building Company’s Employees on Site


Natta Plant Employees at Head Office

Some disruption will be inevitable, our Site Teams have been advised to plan works over short horizons so that if a lockdown occurs, works are not left in a state that may become unsafe.

Fundamentally the vast majority of our Drivers, Operatives and Suppliers are local to where our works are being undertaken, so as long as the government do not restrict the movement of people, work will continue.

At Natta Plant, we remain committed to providing the superior service and support that our clients have come to expect of our company throughout this situation.