
Natta Plant News – June 2023

We have had a steady few months at Natta Plant, and as always we have continued to invest in quality Plant. We took delivery of two JCB 14m Telehandlers. These went straight to site to some very happy operators. The JCB telehandlers are machines we can always rely on on busy sites.

We also added a new Jetting/CCTV van pack to one of our existing vehicles. This will allow our colleagues at Natta Utilities to conduct more surveys on our sites.

Natta Plant - June 2023

Natta Jetting/CCTV Pack


We welcome two new Plant Mechanics to the Natta Plant team, Paul Arthur & Kaleem Tagdel. Paul and Kaleem will help us keep repairs and maintenance in good shape, for the rest of the year. Paul and Kaleem come with good experience and are great additions to the team.

We continue to invest in small tools to reduce our cross-hire spending as much as possible. Some recent purchases include: